Youth Ministry Outing to see the New Jersey Devils!

 7PM-Wednesday, December 28th

Tickets only $50 each and include a food voucher for $10 and free bus transportation if needed!(Bus will depart at 5PM from Cabrini.)

What a great Christmas gift, come as a family, come with friends!Seats are limited so call/text now to reserve and make payment! First come, first serve! Kenny 718 490-4469 or We have great seats in section 109, Rows 4-7!The game is being played in Newark at the Prudential Center and the opposing team is the Buffalo Sabers. See USA Silver Medalist Goalie, Ryan Miller against the all time best goal tender, Martin Brodeur and the kids don’t have school the next day!!!

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What a great Christmas gift, come as a family, come with friends!

Seats are limited so call/text now to reserve and make payment! First come, first serve! Kenny 718 490-4469 or

We have great seats in section 109, Rows 4-7!

The game is being played in Newark at the Prudential Center and the opposing team is the Buffalo Sabers. See USA Silver Medalist Goalie, Ryan Miller against the all time best goal tender, Martin Brodeur and the kids don’t have school the next day!!!

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