Help yourself, while helping others....
Every week we run programs for youth, and if you wish to come and help us, organize, set up and clean up, you can get service hours for this.
TUESDAY'S at St. Frances Cabrini- from 6:45-9:15PM, come and help us have a great weekly youth center.
EVERY OTHER WEDNESDAY at St. Dominic's, from 6:45PM-9:30PM, help us organize and run a great faith Formation group.
ONGOING: we have special events throughout the year, where we need help to organize and run these events, register to volunteer or just show up, and help us out.
UPCOMING EVENTS- Feast and Carnival of Don Bosco- 1/31.
St. Athanasius School Auditorium, from 3-10PM, come for part or all, help us set up, clean up, serve snacks, run the games and hand out prizes.
World Marriage Day- 2/9- St. Mary, Mother of Jesus, from 3:30-10:30PM, help us celebrate the marriages of couples in our community, maybe even your own mother and father. Set up, clean up, and even play waiter and waitress.
Youth Mass- This happens every month, usually the 3rd or 4th Sunday, Next on is February 24th.
Come by 5:30PM, and help us decorate, act out a skit, read the scriptures, etc, get about 2 hours service and even help us set up snacks and serve them.
Cluster Youth Penance Service- 2/28, in the church at St. Athanasius, starting at 7PM.
Join us for a youth oriented penance service, with music, videos, reflection, skits and a chance to truly reflect during this Lent on your life. Choose to receive the sacrament and talk to a priest you know, or one from a neighboring parish.
All youth from junior high through high school are greatly encourged to attend, and we need youth to help out throughout the evening, through multimedia assistance and actors fro skits and dramatic readings.
SERVICE SATURDAYS- These are days where we specifically invite you to preregister and come with friends or meet other friends, and as a community come and learn more about service, and also help in our local parish communities. We will clean churches and do various tasks throughout the cluster.
each service Saturday is 4 hours, and we do break for light snacks and a chance to pray! You will have fun as you work a a small group of workers. Space is limited so register now!
The Next Service Saturday is March 22nd.
Data Entry- Like computers, can do either remote at own system or come into the YM Office, and type in lists of info, into database for local and Cluster Youth Ministry Program. Please let me know, when you can and we can get you started on aproject that will help us better reach to youth and young adults in the ministry.
On going Service Project
The Bensonhurst Cluster Office of Youth Ministry is trying to organize an ongoing service project.
This project is meant to help the many older members of our community who can no longer do many daily tasks of general upkeep of their homes, both indoors and out.
We want to give an opportunity to the younger generation to help the older ones by coming into their homes with an adult assistance and spend a few hours doing some tasks of cleaning, upkeep and general repairs.
WE need youth who are willing to join us, whether for service hours or not, and WE need contacts of local individuals be they elderly, handicapped, that are in need of some assistance, be it for a single time, or possibly for an ongoing relationships.
This Program is called SOS, for there are many people in our neighborhood, who need help, and we are all Saints and Sinners, who can go Out and Serve!
It is ministry!!!
Unfortunately to many doing service is something you have to do, a number. I did my 25 hours, I volunteer at the nursing home. Service if done right, is ministry, to both you and to those you serve.
In fact while you think you are helping others in need, you may discover that you are infact the one in need, you are the poorer one!
Join some of the Cluster Youth Ministry programs, especially the SOS program and you can see how much fun and how rewarding service can really be!
Sharing is caring!
Come on for one day get up early, hang with other youths, and see how fulfiliing helping your neigbor could really be.
Registrater now, the amount of dates over the summer, will pend on the number of willing servants, both young and old!
Dear Youth,
Only God knows really why I have sent this letter to you? Are you open to the spirit?
How has your summer been thus far?
How is your daily, weekly life?
Have you done anything exciting?
Anything that has helped you to grow and mature?
Physically demanding?
Emotionally enriching?
Spiritually engaging?
What will you do?
Mother Theresa said, " IT is not how much we give, but how much love we put in the giving."
You have personally been sent this letter, for I have seen a light, a heart, awareness that we have a responsibility to care for others!
I need your help and I want to invite you to join me to put these words and our "good intentions" into action!
I will go to our neighbors' houses, each who has through age been struck with challenging times. So we will lend then a hand and do some indoor and outdoor work for them.
Will you accept this invitation? I hope it will be a few of us, so we have more hands to get the work done well and thoroughly!
Can you join me?
Please pray over it and do what you can to join us.
Can you bring a friend, if they will help you to work and have fun, sure!
Please email me, or call me, with any questions and hopefully to tell me, that you are coming!
Bring clothes that you do not mind getting dirty, and a water bottle, so we can refill and stay hydrated!
Peace and God Bless,
St. John Bosco said, "WE are called to be signs and bearers of God's love", and it through our actions that we either bear witness to the Gospel Message or bear witness that is false, shallow and selfish.
If you cannot make this day, let me know you are interested and also we may be able to set up future dates, if I know youth are willing to help!
Saints and Sinners Out Serving (SOS)
SOS, is usually associated with a ship in distress. Well there are many in our local community who are sending signals saying HELP. There are many elderly people in our community who no longer can do the weekly duties to maintain a house or yard.
That is where we come in. Starting after July 4th, we will twice a week be going to as a team of 3-5 youth with an adult, into people's homes to help with cleaning, shopping, painting and yard work. At the same time, we hope to interact and even end the few hours of service with a prayer service.
If interested in helping on day or becoming a regular over the summer please let us know.
If you know of someone who would want us to help them out, please have them contact our office.
Peace and God bless