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Dear Parents and Youth, 8/10/2007
This letter hopes that you find yourself well rested and renewed after as we come to the last weeks of our summer vacation. Over the summer the Bensonhurst Office of Youth Ministry hosted outdoor movies for youth and all at 7 of our Cluster parishes and schools. We also started the SOS program, a program of community service that brings small teams of youth to help elderly and homebound individuals right in our own back yard. In addition we have been doing a lot of planning and preparing for the beginning of our 2nd year outreaching and serving the youth of our local community.
Last year many of you had the chance to meet me, and to also take advantage of our many programs offered throughout the neighborhood for youth. For others we must have missed each other, and this letter may be more of an introduction.
There are many new programs that will begin this coming fall, and some of the previous offerings will continue and expand.
To be most informed, we need you to take the time to fill out the attached form and to have your youth return it to the person whom gave it to them. This way we can get information to you, and allow you and your child to make informed decisions and also learn timely of the many opportunities offered.
Secondly, we encourage you to visit the website, for additional information and for ongoing updates.
As we look to the coming year we plan to continue the Youth Room at St. Frances Cabrini, which was open one night a week last year, allowing youth to play board games, ping pong, video games and much more, in a safe controlled environment.
In addition we will offer a Faith Formation experience for youth to hands on and interactively to discover more about life, God and themselves, bimonthly at St. Dominic's.
We plan to offer several retreats this year, day and overnight, and Leadership Training Programs.
Each month there will be a sports night, which will be different themes and part of many tournaments throughout the year.
Café Soul, will come back in October, and possibly be a monthly program for youth to hang out, and either be part of the entertainment, or just have a chance to check it out!
Lastly, we are establishing many service programs and projects which youth can tap into after school and on weekend, for either service hour requirements or just for the common good. In addition to the SOS program, we will have church cleaning days, blood drives, midnight runs, and much more.
The Office of Youth Ministry is here to serve the youth of the community, primarily those from 7th grade (12 years old) through High School (18 years old).
Our program is meant to show youth there role and need to be a part of the church community, and to meet there present needs and expectations in their development as adolescents. The office is always evolving and desires your input and welcomes your involvement, so please feel free to contact our office.
Below are a few days to note in your planning. Most locations have yet to be determined, but please try to save the date, and look to hear more information, or check the website for more details as we get closer. Realize that many more programs and dates will be established as the year unfolds, for updated information try to get on our email list and we can send you updates as they are released.
Cluster Youth Dates to remember
Sept 7th Youth Outdoor Movie
Sept 18th Cluster Youth Room to open (To be open
every Tuesday)
Sept 22nd Youth day- St. Dominic's
Sept 26th Cluster Faith Formation Program Starts at St. Dominic's
(To meet every other week on Wednesday.)
Sept 28th Youth Outdoor Movie
Sept 30th Coney Island day- St. Simon and Jude
Oct 5th Youth Nights- Music and Fun- St. Simon and Jude (To meet every Friday)
October 13th Diocesan Junior High Rally
October13th Teenage Halloween dance and games- St. Athanasius
October 26th Cluster Café Soul
October 29th Cluster Trick or Treat- 6:30-8PM
November 2nd-3rd Cluster Overnight Retreat (7th grade through high school)
Nov 8-11th National Catholic Youth Conference- Columbus, Ohio
Nov 17th Service Saturday
November 30th Youth Fun Sports Nights
December 3rd Sister Act Play- St. Athanasius
December 8th Cluster Youth Leadership Day- St. Athanasius
December 9th Cluster Lessons in Carols Concert
December 15th Cluster Christmas Caroling
December 21st Christmas Movie Night
January 4th Cluster Café Soul
January 18-20 High School Overnight Leadership Retreat- Stony Point, NY
January 26th Service Saturday
January 31st Feast of Don Bosco- Prayer Service and Carnival
February 9th Cluster Bowling Tournament
February 28th Cluster Youth Penance Service
March 1st Service Saturday
March 7th March Madness Cluster Basketball Tournament
March 14th Easter Movie Night
March 19th Cluster Way of the Cross Youth Procession
April 12th Diocesan Junior High Rally
April 25th Cluster Café Soul
May 3rd Service Saturday
May 17-18 Cluster Overnight Retreat
More dates and details to be posted on the website,
Being a parent is an every day challenge, time, finances, work and even trying to stay in shape is something we all face.
We all want the best for our kids, and we want them to be safe and to grow into responsible, mature, good natured children, and that is exactly what our program is all about.
So please help us, to help your children, by encouraging them, driving them, challenging them, reminding them, to come to some of the Cluster Programs and also to the local Youth Minstry offerings that are being provided for them.
We welcome parents to be a part too, if they wish, for we could use some more time in faith and fellowship with each other and with our God.
God bless and peace to you and your families,
Kenny Wodzanowski
Cluster Coordinator of Youth Ministry.
Bensonhurst Cluster Office of Youth Ministry
"Calling all Youth of Brooklyn."
Youth Ministry Information Sheet
Youth Profile
First Name _____________________ Last Name ____________________
Email __________________________ Phone Number _________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
DOB ________________________ Grade ________
Parish Affiliation ____________________ School Attending _______________
If in High School grade school that they graduated from. _________________________
Parent Profile
(Only fill in information that is different from youth's.)
First Name(s) ______________________ Last Name ____________________
Email __________________________ Phone Number _________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone _____________________ Work Number _________________
( ) Interested in volunteering in a program.
** Please return to the individual who handed this to your child or to you.
Or mail or drop off to Kenny Wodzanowski - Cluster Office of Youth Ministry C/o-St. Dominic Parish 2001 Bay Ridge Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11204
** This information will be used primarily for communications of Cluster programs to you and your child, and will only be shared with your local parish listed above.