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The Don Bosco Award is a high recognition presented to adults for outstanding leadership and service to their church and community. Don Bosco was canonized for his sacrifice in helping youth develop to be honest citizens and good Christians. Pope John Paul II gave St. John Bosco the title "the friend and teacher of the young and the poor". The Salesian congregation continues to be a model of youth ministry and engaging youth effectively in the church today. We hope to honor and recognize adults who in our community demonstrate the characteristics of Don Bosco.
Each parish is invited to choose an outstanding adult to receive the Don Bosco Award.
The Don Bosco Award is to be given to an adult that has been a role model, is helpful and serves youth in their lives either through school, scouts, sports, faith formation, religious education, and church and / or youth ministry.
In choosing a candidate, please consider the following criteria, and incorporate these criteria in the comments on the award form:
- Lives as a disciple of Christ, setting a positive example for other youth.
- Witnesses to their faith by exhibiting Catholic morals and integrity.
- Demonstrates Gospel values through service to others.
- Exhibits Christian leadership in parish, school, and/or community settings.
Nomination Process
Complete the nomination form. Letters of recommendation may also be submitted.
Payment and nomination form, signed by the pastor, must be postmarked or delivered no later than July 1, 2009.
Please mail to: Don Bosco Award
Kenny Wodzanowski
Bensonhurst Cluster Office Of Youth Ministry
2001 Bay Ridge Pkwy
Brooklyn, NY 11214
Selection Process
All youth nominated and approved by the pastor will receive the award. A confirmation letter will be sent to the award recipient and pastor and an email to the nominators with additional details regarding the Mass.
Recognition Mass
Awards will be presented at a special Mass on to be announced to one of our local cluster parish sometime in the late summer or early fall. Priests, youth ministers, parents, friends and families are invited to attend.
Don Bosco Award
Nomination Form
award recipient's name __________________________ phone__________________________
home address ___________________________________ email __________________________
city______________________________ state_________ zip ____________________________
parish __________________________________________ vicariate _______________________
address ______________________ city______________________ state_____ zip __________
pastor__________________________________________ parish phone ___________________
- List leadership roles held by the award recipient. Please give dates..
- _____________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________
- Provide three reasons / thoughts on why this person is deserving of the Don Bosco Award.
- _____________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________________________
NOTE: If more space is needed, please use extra paper.
nominator name _________________________ title/position __________________________
phone _________________________________ email __________________________________
signature ______________________________________________________________________
As the Pastor, I have read the criteria for the Don Bosco Award, and I support the candidate listed above.
Pastor Signature: _____________________________________
For Office Use Only:
Date Received: ______________ Amount Paid: _____________ Check # ___________